Places to hike in Trinidad: Maracas Bay to 100 Steps beach (video)

I decided to trek from Maracas Bay to 100 steps beach today. 100 steps beach is located on the North Coast Road a little distance past Las Cuevas. It gets its name from the steps you have to climb down to get to the beach. It can be a little risky too. There's a section where the steps have fallen away and you have to hang on to a rope to get up and down. Yeah, it's not fun. But once you take your time, you'll be fine. 

This beach is always pretty deserted. I guess it's not that popular because of the sheer effort it takes to get to it, when there's other easier options nearby. And if you plan to have a whole lime with food and drinks and stuff, it's kind of impossible to tote all that down those stairs and down the rope. So most people just stick to the popular beaches on the North Coast.

Every time I've gone to 100 steps beach, it's been just one or two people there. Mostly lovers trying to "get it on". LOL.

Today, though, there was no one there. We had the beach to ourselves for hours. 

It's a 13 km walk/hike from Maracas Bay and we took a detour to Fort Abercromby where the views are just awesome. 

I didn't feel like writing a whole long blog on this since I've done variations of this route so many times before so I captured some highlights and made a short, simple video. 

Difficulty: Hard due to the distance. The North Coast Road has many inclines that make you feel like you're doing lunges half the time. But the views, cool ocean breeze and shade of the trees make it not as stressful.


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